CCIA Membership Application Form


Please fill out this form to complete your CCIA membership application.

Questions? Please reach out to the Membership Team at!

Please Note: Membership will not be approved without payment profile saved to account. This can be done in the billing section of the application, choose "add/manage" stored payment profile.

About Us

The California Cannabis Industry Association (CCIA) was formed to unite the legal cannabis industry to help educate and act as a resource to lawmakers and our members. We are the most influential trade association in the state representing the diverse interests of the cannabis industry: retail, cultivation, manufacturing, delivery, distribution, testing, insurance, packaging, and various ancillary services. Our unified voice includes 500 businesses and represents nearly 15,000 employees across the state. 

 Over the past six years, CCIA has consistently advocated on behalf of cannabis businesses to advance a comprehensive regulatory framework that achieves important policy objectives encouraging investment and innovation, protecting small businesses, and enhancing public and consumer safety.

CCIA will continue to work diligently with the legislature, the Administration, and the licensing authorities on open-market regulations and solutions that foster a robust cannabis industry while prioritizing public safety and health.

Our Mission

To promote the growth of a responsible and legitimate cannabis industry and work for a favorable social, economic, and legal environment for our industry in the state of California.

The California Cannabis Industry Association was founded on the principle of strength in numbers. The thousands of California businesses involved in our state-legal cannabis industry represent a significant economic force. As the industry's most influential state trade association, CCIA works everyday to ensure our burgeoning business sector is represented in a professional and coordinated way at the state level.

The Benefits of Membership

Your business's participation with the California Cannabis industry Association means being represented alongside hundreds of other responsible industry leaders committed to bringing about a legitimate and professional cannabis business community.

During the legislative process CCIA has been extremely successful at building coalition partners outside of the cannabis reform movement. This includes medical organizations, law enforcement, labor unions, local and state government associations, and environmental protection groups. Together we create a coalition focused on responsible policy and regulations at the state capitol.

In addition to shaping the legal and regulatory framework for California's emerging cannabis industry, CCIA membership also provides a statewide platform to promote your business while offering you valuable discounts from participating cannabis industry partners.

Select An Option

CCIA Social Equity Membership Tier - For Approved Social Equity Applicants Only

  • State & Federal Political Representation
  • Monthly Membership Calls
  • CCIA Industry Insider Newsletter
  • Company listing in CCIA Member Directory
  • CCIA Exclusive Discounts and Offers
  • CCIA Digital Member Badge and Certificate
  • Complimentary Access to Member Events
  • Access to Infohub and Exclusive CCIA Resources
  • Annual Membership Packet
  • Eligible to sit one one CCIA Committee
  • Highlighted Membership Directory Listing

$500 Annually

  • State & Federal Political Representation
  • Monthly Membership Calls
  • CCIA Industry Insider Newsletter
  • Company listing in CCIA Member Directory
  • CCIA Exclusive Discounts and Offers
  • CCIA Digital Member Badge and Certificate
  • Complimentary Access to Member Events
  • Access to Infohub and Exclusive CCIA Resources
  • Annual Membership Packet

$1,200 annually

  • State & Federal Political Representation
  • Monthly Membership Calls
  • CCIA Industry Insider Newsletter
  • Company listing in CCIA Member Directory
  • CCIA Exclusive Discounts and Offers
  • CCIA Digital Member Badge and Certificate
  • Complimentary Access to Member Events
  • Access to Infohub and Exclusive CCIA Resources
  • Annual Membership Packet

$500 monthly / $5,000 annually (Best Deal!)

All Associate Level Benefits

  • Logo Placed in Member Directory
  • Eligible to Participate and Chair CCIA Committees
  • Eligible to Vote and Run for CCIA Board
  • Monthly Executive Update Call
  • 3 Additional Profiles for Your Organization

$1,000 monthly / $10,000 annually

All Associate & Business Level Benefits

  • Maximum Involvement in CCIA’s Political Efforts
  • Co-Hosted Content Through CCIA's Executive Webinar Series
  • Built in Sponsorship Opportunities
  • Logo Placement on CCIA Homepage with Link
  • Preferred Vendor For Referrals
  • Access to CCIA Consultants
  • 5 Additional Profiles for Your Organization
Enter Contact Information
Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist