CCIA Committee Open Enrollment Januray 2022

2022 CCIA Committee Open Enrollment

California Cannabis Industry Association committees are an integral part of state policy reform strategy. Members of our committees are revered as industry experts and voices of authority on industry specific challenges and best practices. CCIA’s Board of Directors look to committee members for essential insight and feedback that plays a critical role in educating decision makers and consumers. Joining a CCIA committee is an extraordinary way to partner with experts in your field to influence the rules and regulations that govern the growing cannabis industry.

As the industry evolves, so do our committees. The issues that affect the success of the industry, affect every part of the supply chain. We have adjusted our committee system to streamline the crossover education necessary to provide recommendations on policies, regulations, and legislation. In 2020, we have combined Agriculture and Manufacturing into a singular committee, and have also combined Retail with Delivery & Distribution into a singular committee. In addition, CCIA has added the Sustainability Committee to focus on emerging environmental and sustainability issues, as well as the Risk Management Committee which will focus on insurance, HR, and IP issues that face the cannabis industry.

Our committees are open to all Associate+, Business, and Executive members

Associate+ members may join 1 committee | Business may join 3 | Executive may join 5

*The Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Equity Committee is open to all members

Not a member? Join CCIA Today!

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California Cannabis Industry Association (CCIA)

813 Harbor Blvd., West Sacramento, CA