CCIA Public Comment 8.24.18
CCIA Public Comment 8.24.18
Comments to CDPH - HERE
Comments to BCC - HERE
Comments to CDFA - HERE
These are the formal comments that CCIA has submitted on behalf of our members. We hope you’ll find these useful while crafting your own comments, which is part of the reason we pushed so hard to have these done a few days early.
The process of distilling down all of the comments we’ve received over the past 5-6 weeks has been challenging. Our committees have proven invaluable during this time period. We have relied on their expertise and wisdom throughout this process and we’re very grateful for their participation.
Our supply chain committees were able to vote on numerous items that our board further deliberated on. We had some real hot button issues to discuss! Collectively, we spent hundreds of hours debating and dissecting these issues. Our board made the final decision on how to proceed and I’m thankful for their leadership.
I want to thank Josh Drayton, CCIA’s Outreach and Communications Director, for spearheading this process within our committees and helping to gather as much info as he could. I also want to thank Amy Jenkins, CCIA’s Senior Policy Director, for her continued guidance and insight. Jane Wright-Mitchell, esq. also deserves a big thank you for her time and energy on these documents.
We've worked so hard to make these documents as comprehensive as possible and represent as many of our members as we could. We appreciate your support and cooperation!
Warm Regards,
Lindsay Robinson,
Executive Director, CCIA